Mar 24, 2021
I have been dreaming about hunting in Alaska basically my entire life! It truly is the last frontier.
Eric is a hunter from Iowa originally but has been in Alaska for the last 4 years. Hope you guys enjoy hearing about his adventures and my questions about planning a trip in a year or two.
Mar 11, 2021
These dogs, also known as Jagdterrier, are tenatious little dogs that can be used to hunt everything from rats to bears! Jacob and James do a great job talking about thier breed of choice. This is a fun episode! hope you all enjoy!
Mar 5, 2021
I hadn't got to catch up with Nate since he left ND back in September. I have been looking forward to hearing about his adventures out in Oregon for awhile.
Those of you who don't follow him on Instagram you MUST go check out his pictures!