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Birds, Booze, and Buds Podcast

Apr 28, 2020

Jason has been a role model for me since I first heard his name back in the 90's. He is a North Dakota native and outdoors fanatic! Give this one a listen and make up your own minds if he was crazy or not to release a potential state record walleye just last week! Lots of great fishing tips and tricks as well as some...

Apr 26, 2020

I hope more states start to adopt classes like these! This is the way to light the fire in new comers to the outdoors. We also chat about the mythical Michigan Ring-neck and some waterfowl hunting.

Apr 10, 2020

Another one of these crazy Chucker guys! We talk all about his dogs, hunting Ruffed Grouse, Dusky Grouse, Huns, Sharptails, his dog pointing a big horn sheep, and yes we talk Chuckers. 

Apr 2, 2020

Brent is a hardcore bird hunter and a great guy. Every year he spends countless days in the grouse woods of Michigan and several weeks on the Plains of Oklahoma chasing Bobwhites and everywhere in between….oh yeah...and he makes the best upland cloths on the market.